

411 University St, Seattle, Canada

411 University St, Seattle, USA

411 7th Street, Kampala, Uganda

+256772 36 1495


Why you should consider seeing a nutritionist

Advice and meal plans When you’re a busy working adult, planning your meals to meet your nutritional requirements can be too much work. A nutritionist can handle this easily and probably plan a more nutritious meal than you can. You can also get advice on food and nutrition, instead of searching through possibly unreliable sources […]


Indicators of a nutritious diet

1. Body composition A well-structured nutrition plan should allow an individual to maintain a healthy physique within acceptable body fat levels (18-24% for men and 25-31% for women). This also means that it should support metabolic health through a number of means, such as promoting healthy hormone function, insulin sensitivity and physical recovery. 2. Healthy […]


How good nutrition boosts your health

Weight management A lot of us mistakenly associate weight loss with fad diets, but eating a nutritious diet is really the best way to go about maintaining a healthy weight and at the same time attaining the necessary nutrients for healthy body function. Swapping unhealthy junk food and snacks out for nutritious food is the […]