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Our calendar 2023
Cheetahs Global Health Solutions will enlist experts in the health sector to support with the activities over the four days.

Our upcoming events
Schools Physical Activity
Community Health and Fitness Camp
University Health and Wellness Festival
Health and Wellness Festival
Health and Wellness Festival

Our major event of 2023
Cheetahs Global Health Solutions will enlist experts in the health and sports sectors to support with the activities during our involvement at the Ugandan North American Association (UNAA) convention Dallas, Texas Sept 1-4 2023.
Below is a schedule of our activities.
Day 1 (September 1, 2023): (Vendor table)
Wellness session
How to become aware of and make choices towards a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.
Day 2 (September 2, 2023): (Outdoor)
Fitness and outdoor sessions
How to function efficiently in a busy environment that suits your personal interests and goals.
- There will be medical check ups
- Aerobics and Body weight work outs
- Games: Although football will be the main sport, participants will take part in the sport of their choice. The pool will include: Football (Five aside), Athletics (100m, 200m), netball, Okwepena (dodging), Volleyball and Kids games
- Awards certificate ceremony
- A barbecue
Note: All participants will be enticed to dress sporty in respect to the activities. It could be a national jersey. Ugandans will show their love and support for sport by wearing a jersey.
Day 3 (September 3, 2023): (Vendor table)
Nutrition session
Striking the perfect balance of what to eat and when to guarantee a healthy life.
There will be a display of health/herbal products.
How to participate
All the sessions and activities for the inaugural event will be free.