

411 University St, Seattle, Canada

411 University St, Seattle, USA

411 7th Street, Kampala, Uganda

+256772 36 1495


Should I give up my favorite “bad habit”?

Living a healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to give up the things that may be considered “bad habits.” It’s perfectly possible to balance healthy living with eating cookies, taking a day off from your workout, or having wine with dinner. In fact, enjoying a treat once in a while can help you better […]


What is the easiest way to start a healthy lifestyle?

Your journey toward a healthier lifestyle starts with small changes that you feel confident you can achieve. Consider making “SMART” goals. SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound (met by a deadline and done in a certain amount of time) When you focus on SMART goals, you could find more success. And one initial […]


How a healthy lifestyle is beneficial?

Making changes to improve your health can lead to benefits for your body, your mind, your wallet, and even the environment. 1. Prevents disease Healthy habits can reduce the risk of various diseases, including those that may run in your family. For example, in a recent study, adults who followed a standard diet (rich in […]